Faculty & Staff
Faculty Spotlight
In his 18th year at Mid-Pen, Spanish teacher Jon Austin is one of a handful of current teachers who joined the school in their 20s, so fresh-faced that they were sometimes mistaken for students, but who, with almost two decades of experience, have evolved into being seasoned masters of their craft and core to the culture of the school.
Ask Mid-Pen history teacher Alan Cameron how he’s doing on any given day, and he’ll tell you that he’s living the dream. While it might sound like he's saying it in jest, Alan's response is every bit as genuine as his passion for Notre Dame football— unwavering and unquestionable.
“I’m not recruiting you to play sports. I’m meeting you where you are at now, and I’m trying to help you get better,” says Athletic Director Kurt Lange.
“The way I approach teaching science is first to let the kids discover as much as they can themselves by guiding them, and second to help them understand why it's relevant to their lives,” says science teacher David Oliver.