Mid-Pen DragonFund

Mid-Pen is a small school by design, but one that offers big-school programs.

Unfortunately, tuition covers only about 80 percent of the cost of educating our students. So when you give to Mid-Pen, you are ensuring the value of a small school education without giving up “big” opportunities for our students.

The DragonFund is the cornerstone of Mid-Pen’s yearly fundraising efforts. With the vast majority of the school’s budget going to faculty salaries and benefits, the DragonFund supports all those other things that are essential to the Mid-Pen experience.

Your donation, when added to those of other Mid-Pen parents, trustees, alumni and friends, has a significant impact on the school. Your participation encourages others to give, helps the school access sources of funds outside the community, and demonstrates that the Mid-Pen community is committed to the school, its mission, and its students. 

Watch the DragonFund Video


We know that your relationship with Mid-Pen is personal -- and giving to the DragonFund should be personal, too.

When you donate to the DragonFund, you can designate your gift to make it personally meaningful to you. Direct your donation to any of the programs below or allow Mid-Pen to use your gift where it's needed most, providing the school with the flexibility to take advantage of opportunities as they arise.

Male students with pencil in hand looking at his notebook in classroom

The Academic Experience

Help our Dragons realize their full potential as learners as they chart their individual paths through high school. Your gift funds:

  • Latest curricular and educational materials
  • Regular field trips throughout the Bay Area
  • DragonWeek, our spring intersession that allows students to develop interests and skills in unique week-long, ungraded courses.



Male basketball player driving to basket will ball in his hand


Be part of Mid-Pen’s teams as student-athletes take to the field, court, and track. Your gift funds:

  • Uniforms and coaches for our no-cut athletic teams
  • League dues, facility rentals, referees, and transportation to and from games
  • Maintenance for Mid-Pen’s athletic facilities.
Group of students wearing blue helmets and holding a sign saying "Saludos Costa Rica"

Flexible Tuition

Make Mid-Pen accessible to diverse learners from all walks of life. Your gift funds:

  • A robust flexible tuition program serving nearly a third of Mid-Pen students
  • Class trips to places as diverse as London and Costa Rica for all students
  • A student and parent community representing a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds, creating a healthy and dynamic learning environment
Student doing a pencil drawing of another student

The Arts

Support students as they shine on the stage, in the studio, and in our music ensembles. Your gift funds:

  • Instruments and recording equipment for our music ensembles
  • The annual Spring Concert at the Guild Theatre, with professional quality sound and lighting
  • Costumes and sets for theater performances
  • Studio equipment and supplies for the fine arts
Four girls celebrating Hispanic heritage month

Equity and Inclusion

Expand students’ understanding, compassion, and outlook as they prepare to make a difference in the world. Your gift funds:

  • Attendance at the NAIS Student Diversity Leadership Conference
  • Development of diverse curriculum and co-curricular programs
  • Activities for affinity-based student leadership groups and clubs
Female teacher kneeling next to female students helping her study

Support for Staffulty

Help Mid-Pen attract and retain caring and committed teachers and staff by giving them the support they need to thrive.Your gift funds:

  • Competitive and comprehensive benefits
  • Professional development opportunities on- and off-campus
  • Training and technology upgrades that enhance the teaching and learning experience

Parent contributions carry great significance no matter the amount. DragonFund participation is an outward metric that shows our inward resolve and belief in our school. It is a great source of pride for Mid-Pen and a wonderful signal for prospective families and foundations as to how strong, supportive, and connected we are as a parent community. 

Please join the 86% of parents who last year supported the DragonFund. No gift is too small – and no gift is too large!