
At Mid-Peninsula High School, we believe deeply in the supportive triad consisting of families, students, and teachers.

Each member of the triad has responsibilities and needs. All three must work together to provide opportunities and options for the student in order to ensure the greatest degree of success possible.

Every student is assigned a Core teacher, whose role is to help you reach your full potential. Core is a formalized program where you are encouraged to set and meet realistic goals and work toward your academic growth. Core groups meet for 30 minutes four times a week, every day except Wednesday.


We believe all students can be successful. The role of your Core teacher is to help you reach your full potential, understanding that this is often a process that takes time. Your Core teacher helps you understand the options available to you and work toward taking control of and responsibility for your education, as well as accepting the consequences of your choices. Your Core teacher builds a relationship with you based on trust and respect, which becomes a partnership in helping you work towards your goals. This relationship often helps students become more open to exploring opportunities and taking risks.

Your Core teacher functions both as both your academic advisor and advocate within the School and with your parents/guardians. Your Core teacher helps you set academic goals, familiarizes you and your family with your transcript, and supports your work with Mid-Pen's College Advisor. Core teachers are familiar with your academic strengths and challenges, learning style, educational testing and diagnoses, and family history in order to best support your learning and growth.

In sum, your Core teacher serves as a coach and mentor who helps you in these areas:

  • Academics
  • Communication
  • Community Building
  • Academic Strategies
  • Goal Setting
  • Post High School Planning